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05 Oct Story of Lord Dhanvantari - The Celestial Physician of the Universe
Surya Crafts 19 44062
The Story of Lord Dhanvantari According to the Ancient Hindu Scriptures, Lord Dhanvantari is the physician of the gods and the entire universe. When the universe was created, the Devatas and the Asuras wanted to obtain Amrit - the divine ne..
02 Oct The Glory of Indian Handicrafts
Surya Crafts 1 15370
 The Handicrafts of India are an important part of our rich cultural heritage. The concept behind handicrafts as originally conceived was imbuing everything used in daily life, no matter how common or mundane, with a touch of beauty to add br..
15 Sep Hindu God Ganesha
Surya Crafts 1 25494
 Lord Ganesha is one of the best known and the most worshipped deity by Hindus across the world. He also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka. Story of Lord Ganesha One day, Goddess Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva, was getting ready for her bat..
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