02 Oct
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The Handicrafts of India are an important part of our rich cultural heritage.
The concept behind handicrafts as originally conceived was imbuing everything used in daily life, no matter how common or mundane, with a touch of beauty to add brightness to an otherwise dull and drab existence. In fact in the ancient Indian concept beauty was equated with godhood. The decoration was a purposeful factor, not a superfluity or a status symbol.
The Indian handicrafts have now got partially submerged under the rising forces of modern industrialisation with its high mechanisation and lost their basic role in overall perspective.
The significance of indian handicrafts lies in the newness and surprise of each object. No two are alike, for each is a fresh creation.
In an age of machine tooled economy, the handicrafts stand as symbol of a ceaseless flow of creativity instead of a dull repetition. In this fast moving world, handicrafts too have become transitory articles. The interest and hence motivation too have become commercial. Complicated and elaborate techniques have evolved over the ages to speed up the production and gain time.
In the ensuing articles, a small attempt will be made by us to catch a glimpse of the vast and divergent crafts of India.
1 Comment(s)
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll give it a try.
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